We’re headed to Disney World in a few days with our toddler to celebrate his 2nd birthday. Last year, I wrote post about taking our baby to Disney world for his first birthday and how much fun we had so we decided to do it again because who doesn’t love Mickey Mouse? While it is indeed the happiest place on earth and completely worth the experience, it is also the germiest place on earth. It can be a little worrisome being surrounded by the germs of thousands of people at theme parks or anywhere you travel to. That’s why I have developed a routine to ensure that we avoid getting sick while traveling. Take these travel tips with you whether you’re traveling by boat or plane or traveling to an amusement park or just your local park.
Travel Tips: Take it all off!
As soon as you arrive at your destination. Strip yourself of your travel clothes. The clothes that you wear carries germs from one place to another, they literally ride your coat tail. You would never want to get your plane germs on your hotel sheets. If taking your clothing off and changing is not possible, try sitting in the sitting area of your hotel room. Do the same after arriving back home and immediately wash them so that you do not bring the germs from the trip home. I know most people are too tired to start washing and unpacking immediately but it is well worth it to keep yourself and your family clean and healthy.
Travel Tips: Use Essential Oils
Essential oils are my favorite and when I started using them, I wondered how I ever got along without them. I like to Travel with essential oils and a travel size diffuser. The oils help to cleanse the air from particles brought inside, thieves is great to clean the sheets and bathrooms with the spray mixture and they can also be used to help you shift your mood depending on what you need. Lemon and orange is perfect for a morning mist as it helps you to feel refreshed and upbeat instead of tired, oils like lavender help you unwind after a long day. Follow this spray recipe for thieves cleanser from Mama Natural:
2 oz. dark glass spray bottle
1 tsp. organic witch hazel
10-15 drops of Young Living Thieves oil
Almost 2 oz. of distilled water
Add 10-15 drops of your Thieves oil to your spray bottle. Next, add 1 tsp. of witch hazel. Then pour distilled water into bottle until full. Put your spray top on and use to clean the sheets or bathrooms, That’s it!
Travel Tips: Vitamin C is your BESTfriend
We make it our mission to overdo the Vitamin C before, during and after the trip. Take extra vitamins in the form of pills/chewable and drink orange juice as often as you can during the trip. If orange juice is not your thing, another alternative is ordering a smoothie with an immunity enhancer. These are the simplest ways to boost your immune system and keep your family healthy.
Travel Tips: Sanitize
Sanitize everything and I mean EVERYTHING! One of my favorite things in the world is hand sanitizer. I have it clipped to every bag and I also carry spray sanitizer for extra convenience. If a sink is available, be sure to wash your hands frequently or especially before eating or touching your face.
Hey! When’s the last time you’ve cleaned your suitcase? Most people don’t, they just roll it around from one place to the next dragging the germs from one destination to the next. I know we all want passport stamps as a reminder of where we’ve been but this isn’t your ideal kind of reminder. At the very least, use Lysol to spray your suitcase and the wheels. If you have a bag made of material like a duffle, wash it after your trip with hot water. This is especially important as you often have no idea if a place has bed bugs and the last thing you want to do is bring them home with you.
Travel Tips: Bottled Water
This tip is geared more towards international travel. Water is such an important thing in our everyday life. You want to hydrate often so you can feel like your best self while sightseeing on your vacation. Water in many other countries can make you extremely sick and with just a few sips you can go from having the time of your life to hugging the porcelain. No one wants that! My best and perhaps my most important travel tip for international travel is to make sure you know where to get bottled water. If you can grab a case to drink and even brush your teeth with.
These are five of my best practices for traveling well and avoiding getting sick! Traveling is supposed to relax you and be a fun experience, let’s not waste your precious time with avoidable sickness. What are some of YOUR favorite travel tips to avoid getting sick? Comment below!
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