Mompreneurship: How to Build a Thriving Business with Small Kids +Why I started my at Home Business and Golden Rules to Mompreneurship
Every day, more and more Military Spouses are starting to take the leap to become stay at home/ mompreneurs. It comes with the territory. Changing careers every 2 to 3 years is difficult so many military spouses tap into their creative side and start portable businesses of their own. My story is similar, I have degrees in my DREAM field and there was little I could do to use it while we’re in the military. This is the story of so many Milspouses out there. Today, I’ll be sharing a little about my story, why I started my at home businesses and how you can too with small kids.
“This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of 1 Natural Way, a TRICARE breast pump provider. All opinions are entirely my own.”
I had always dreamed of a long- lasting career in the media industry. I longed to be a correspondent, reporting important topics from politics to the royal weddings. Shows like Good Morning America are my jam. However, that all changed when I married my soldier of a husband. Like any field, media is a hard shell to crack. They want to see loyalty and longevity and like a bad boyfriend, as a military spouse, I have trouble committing. This isn’t because I don’t want to, it’s because when the Army calls…we go!
After having my son in 2016, I felt that I not only had an obligation to support my husband’s career and our lifestyle but I genuinely wanted to be there for my son. I couldn’t fathom the thought of daycare raising him. I wanted to be there for every milestone and be selfish with these years while I could. I applaud “work outside the home” moms but I didn’t have it in my heart to do so. Basically, I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. As women, I think we are more than deserving of having all the cake.
Soon after, I discovered blogging. First it served as a creative outlet to write my thoughts but it quickly became my business (along with freelance writing) and a way for me to be creative while having a career in media. I didn’t have to sacrifice my bond with my son, the support of my husband’s Army career or my dream and success in my field.
Over the years, I have developed a few golden rules to entrepreneurship success as a mother and as a military spouse. Know that the Military often throws a wrench in the plans of spouses but it can also charge you to be creative, innovative and determined to succeed in ways that you could have never imagined.
3 Golden Rules to Successful Military Spouse and Mompreneurship
Be Honest with your Spouse about the support you need
When you’re starting your business, you can quickly become overwhelmed. Not only are you consumed with being a mom of little ones but also a wife and the new work load to gain success in your business. To be honest, long days get even longer but the reward is totally worth it. You’ll need to have an honest discussion with your spouse about the need for support. When I first started, I was mommy to a never ending breastfeeding infant, finishing my second degree and giving birth to my entrepreneurship adventure. Breastfeeding was our bond but sometimes I needed a break to get things done or go to class. If it weren’t for companies like 1 Natural Way, I don’t know that I would have been able to accomplish my goals.
What Is 1 Natural Way?
1 Natural Way is an in-network Tricare Breast pump provider. Luckily, Military families are entitled to a free breast pump with the use of Tricare insurance. 1 Natural Way makes it extremely easy to get the items you need to succeed in breastfeeding and that comes in handy when you need dad to take over with baby to get things done for your new business.
They offer the popular and high quality brands like Medela, Spectra and Kiinde. This includes breastfeeding favorites like Medela Freestyle and the Spectra S1 Breast Pump, and the Medela Pump in Style Tote/Backpack. You also get a nice supply of pump accessories + compression socks and postpartum care supplies. Who doesn’t love FREE?
Find your Tribe and Become a Sponge
Okay, finding a “Tribe” is becoming a trend and quite frankly, I don’t think it’s being done correctly. Your tribe shouldn’t just be a group of people that you “hang out” with. Your tribe should be a mixture of people. It should have someone who is seasoned and wise. They usually serve as your compass or mentor on your journey. You should also have those who are in the same space as you. You are all starting out and learning together how to succeed as well as push each other and hold each other accountable. The last person should be someone you can mentor. After all, we rise by lifting others. As you gain knowledge, you should be teaching that person. The best leadership is servant leadership!
Compare Your Journey to Only Yourself
In the current state of social media, we see a million and one people owning businesses and looking like they have their lives together. What we don’t realize is, it takes a second to stage and snap a picture. No one has it all together. Everyone is on their own entrepreneurial journey and our process may take longer or shorter than the next person. If you stay true to yourself and your success, not taking even one step in the process for granted, I guarantee the that the journey will be much more worth it and less stressful than keeping up with the Jones’s.
Well, that’s a little bit about my journey as a Military Spouse entrepreneur as well as my 3 GOLDEN Rules to how you can succeed in your own journey. Extending a special thank you to our partners at 1 Natural Way for sponsoring this post TO HELP MOMS IN THE MILITARY KNOW THEIR OPTIONS FOR TRICARE BREAST PUMP providers. To read my new mom tips from a Military Spouse Post sponsored by 1 Natural Way, click HERE. Also,be sure to check out our other MILITARY LIFE and PARENTHOOD posts!
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